In the process I mentioned above for my family member I had to prepare some additional photos from her camera roll (long story and not relevant here) and I found that Image Capture sometimes choked on a large batch (say, over 200 items). Take screen shots with command-shift- (3 or 4). Also drag the record button holder to least obtrusive location. On the little down arrow to the right of the record button, choose maximum quality.
I'd advise doing this in small batches at first. 6 Answers Sorted by: 12 Kinda roundabout, but you could try this: Open Quicktime. How to open Finder quickly You should press Option + Command + Space simultaneously it will bring up the Searching This Mac window in Finder.

Then click on Download and they will copy across. Down the bottom of the Image Capture window you will see a destination selector which says Import to: and from here you can select your external drive in the usual way. I've found this step a bit fussy and then had to disconnect the phone and then reconnect. Images show the armed fighters on armored vehicles in the streets of the strategic Russian city. You'll probably have to accept the phone as a trusted device. Wagner group troops descended on Rostov-on-Don in Russia in an apparent armed mutiny. However, for Image Capture, open the app on your Mac and connect your iPhone. One other thing with iCloud photos - you can choose to optimise the photos on a device and it will drastically reduce the space taken - to only a couple GB. Here's how to capture a screen grab, whether you. You should also have two backup copies if you are keeping them locally. MacOS How to Take a Screenshot on a Mac Since Mojave, Macs have featured a built-in tool to make taking a screenshot a simple and easy process. That would be better if you don't wish to have them on your devices - but be warned, a copy on one drive only is as good as not having them at all.